Project : East west rail - Oxford to Cambridge

Article date 05 November 2019
Administrative update 28 March 2024

Referenced papers and reports

Here is a list of web links for the discussion papers, research papers and engineering reports referenced in our review of rail travel and airport connections in the Oxford to Cambridge arc.

As from October 2021, the East West Rail Consortium has been relaunched as the East West Main Line Partnership. References here are to historical documents and for these we have retained reference to the original name.

Referenced in parts one, two and three

In February 2009 consultants Steer Davies Gleave published a discussion paper "East West Rail Central Section - Operating Case". The discussion paper no longer represents current thinking by the East West Rail Consortium. It is available here (pdf format opens in new window or tab).

On 8 August 2014 consultants Atkins published "East West Rail - Central Section Conditional Ouputs Statement". All the essential information is in the executive summary : executive summary (pdf format opens in new window or tab). The full report is also available : full report (pdf format opens in new window or tab).

Referenced in part one : Oxford to Cambridge by rail : southern options for the central section

Press release by East West Rail Consortium 3 March 2010 : press release 3 March 2010 (pdf format opens in new window or tab).

On 6 July 2016, consultants Jacobs published "East West Rail Central Section - Engineering Summary Report" : Engineering summary report (pdf format opens in new window or tab).

National Infrastructure Commission interim report into the Cambridge Milton Keynes Oxford corridor : NIC interim report (pdf format opens in new window or tab).

England Economic Heartland (2016), Planning for Growth: a position statement from England's Economic Heartland Strategic transport Forum : EEH Planning for Growth (pdf format opens in new window or tab).

National Infrastructure Commission Transport workstream : NIC transport workstream (pdf format opens in new window or tab).

National Infrastructure Commission consultation response "Partnering for Prosperity : A new deal for the Cambridge-Milton Keynes-Oxford Arc" : NIC Partnering for Prosperity consultation response (pdf format opens in new window or tab).

Hertfordshire rail strategy dated June 2016 : Hertfordshire rail strategy June 2016 (pdf format opens in new window or tab).

Referenced in parts two, three and four

Hertfordshire County Council's plans include an east west road-based Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) project centred on the A414. The A414 corridor strategy technical report : A414 corridor strategy technical report (pdf format opens in new window or tab).

Referenced in part two : Oxford to Cambridge : east west rail at Watford

Following the Hertfordshire rail strategy dated June 2016, a draft update to this strategy is Draft Hertfordshire rail strategy 2019 (pdf format opens in new window or tab).

Network Rail has conducted a review of the existing rail network, the Passenger Rail Study Phase One, for England's Economic Heartland : Passenger Rail Study Phase One (pdf format, opens in new window or tab).

Referenced in parts three and four

Hertfordshire County Council's South West Herts Growth and Transport Plan July 2018 is South West Herts Growth and Transport Plan July 2018 (pdf format opens in new window or tab).

Referenced in part three : Oxford to Cambridge : east west rail in Hertfordshire

Network Rail Passenger Rail Study Phase Two for England's Economic Heartland, published in July 2021 : Passenger Rail Study Phase Two (pdf format, opens in new window or tab).

England's Economic Heartland spending review 2021 : EEH spending review 2021 (pdf format, opens in new window or tab).

Converting the Abbey line to light rail : consultation report : Converting the Abbey line to light rail : consultation report (pdf format, opens in new window or tab). The email address in this document should be presumed to be out of date.

Important announcement about the Abbey Line - May 2013 : Important announcement about the Abbey Line - May 2013 (pdf format, opens in new window or tab). The email address in this document should be presumed to be out of date.

Referenced in part four : Oxford to Cambridge : St Albans to Hatfield and context

Metropolitan Line Extension Alternatives, report by Steer June 2021 : Metropolitan Line Extension Alternatives (pdf format, opens in new window or tab).

Hertfordshire County Council Highways and Transport Cabinet Panel agenda pack for meeting on 12 March 2024 : Highways and Transport Cabinet Panel agenda pack for meeting on 12 March 2024 (pdf format, opens in new window or tab).


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